Why Hire an Emotion Code Practitioner?

Dr. Nelson created this method to be user-friendly and simple.  Anyone can learn to remove trapped emotions on themselves. But sometimes our own agenda gets in the way of our results, or we may feel less than confident in our ability to muscle test accurately.  Those who have become certified Emotion Code practitioners have become accustomed to using biofeedback and intuition and are confident in their ability to get accurate responses and release trapped emotions.  Certified emotion code practitioners have a little more practice on the format of digging deeper. And with our awareness of the body code, there are a few things we can prepare you for clearing. Body code practitioners can also clear many issues energetically from the body that are affecting organs and tissues.  Because the body is energy at the very core atomic level, the vibration of intention can often erase the energies blocking the body from healing.

Beyond traditional therapy, full healing depends on the ability to remove the emotional “infection” that is festering in the energetic soul and body.  This emotional resonance that has been vibrating negativity may be what has been the root cause of many physical ailments and preventing success from accelerating.  Potential growth remains stagnant until the blockage is removed, and positive intention and subconscious will is free to flourish. We can remove this negative energy from your body for good.  Often, this is enough to turn one’s life in the complete opposite direction you were on and bring the vibration up to a level where you can begin to attract a life that is more fulfilling. Healing can be either instantaneous or open up the recovery process for other healing modalities to be more beneficial.  

Many other practitioners  have incorporated other energy healing methods and increased skills to assist you beyond the basic Emotion Code.

I am learning other systems which support this method including EFT, NLP and the energy code and will soon incorporate the Body code and more.

So how is my method different than other Emotion code practitioners?

As effective as Removing trapped emotions can be, counseling or Life Coaching still has its place.  Even though we get rid of our baggage, we still have habits that become second nature, and we can still hold on to those tendencies and habits out of human behavioral conditioning.  Escaping the bondage of trapped emotions may be ⅔ of the battle. That is great news! But now what?

I have developed other skills through years of studying psychology, substance abuse counseling and addiction recovery that other emotion code practitioners don’t usually utilize.  I offer, not only the release of trapped emotions but a new custom blueprint for growth and prosperity. I will find out your greatest needs for improving your life beyond healing from pain and assist you in developing and achieving your goals and provide you a pattern of manifesting your best future utilizing the law of attraction.  We will go through the 6 pillars of health, including Body, Mind, family, society/social, Finances, and Spiritual health, and help you achieve balance and set you on a path to find fulfillment in these areas.

I can help you from there to go beyond being healed, to thriving and fulfilling your life’s purpose.  Having a life coach to mentor you through your progress can mean increasing your potential faster and smoother.  It’s nice to have a sounding board and an accountability partner who gives you a step by step process to follow. My program is different because I give weekly assignments that help you focus your intention for better results.  If you select the life coaching package, I will create a custom plan to help you overcome you hardest obstacles, achieve your biggest goals, and help you better able to recover, grow, and move into a better version of you… The person who you were meant to be!