START HERE (Process and Pricing)


  • Set up your first initial free assessment call in the SCHEDULE AN APPOINTMENT MENU. In 20 -30 minutes I will hear your story, and discover the key issues you need help with and plan your mini release session.
  • Schedule your free Mini Release session. This must be scheduled out 24 hours or more following your assessment call.
  • After your Mini Release session, I will follow up with you with a clarity call to see if working together is in your best interest and which package is the most beneficial for your budget.

***Disclaimer: I am in no way diagnosing, treating, curing, disease or conditions. Any physical ailments and medical conditions should always be overseen by a medical professional. The body’s ability to heal is it’s own, I provide emotional release support to enable the body to do what it is capable of doing at its peak and optimal level currently maintained. Always work with your health professional, and use this as a means of additional support for all medical conditions.

Base Rates in US $, individual release sessions

Just need a quick clearing without the hassle of the process? Schedule any time for a quick release to eliminate some pain or discomfort or a longer “get the junk off your chest” session.

Choose Between:

  • 30- minute Quick clear session: $55
  • 60-minute rescue session: $95
  • Kids and pets, $35 for half an hour
  • Foster or adopted kids: FREE (2 sessions per month maximum with birth parent approval or adoption confirmed).

RELEASE Packages

Clear trapped emotions, release your heartwall or balance Chakra’s or whatever else your body and energy centers need to eliminate  

Eliminate pain and negative resonance that keeps you attracting struggle, making it hard to heal.

Choose Between:

  • 5 weeks $250
    Up to half an hour to remove heartwall, align chakra’s or focus on one or more of the 6 pillars of balance
  • 10 weeks $500
    Up to half an hour to remove heartwall, Align chakra’s or focus on one or more of the 6 pillars of balance

Payment plans available, Schedule a complimentary assessment call and we’ll talk about what your needs are and what is right for you.  

Focus options:  Please list your focus choice in your notes prior to the session


Clearing the layers of trauma over the heart could very well be the key to moving you forward in life! If you are dealing with Depression, Anxiety, and PTSD or other emotional disorders, this may be a very powerful procedure for you.  

Clearing your heartwall could provide: 

1) More Energy and Stronger Immune System 

2) Clarity of your Mission in Life 

3) You will feel more love from others 

4)Your love influence will be more effective and felt by others

5) You will have more access to financial health and abundance.


Between the heartwall and your chakra system, there are a lot of blocks that are holding you back.  You can compare the chakra system to your personal energetic chart of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. Your chakra system has 7 main chakras that align your spirit to body connection and need to be in balance and harmony in your relationships, as well as fully actualizing your mission and purpose and for you to maintain optimal health and live according to your divine contracts. 

All combined,  the balance of these promotes improved self-esteem, relationships, inspiration and living your highest purpose.  A lot of other chakra work teachings involve yoga poses, nutrition and breathing techniques. While those are effective at momentarily giving your chakra’s a boost, they don’t have holding power that lasts.   The underlying force is letting go of trapped emotions…and we have them blocked here too! This has been a highly intensive program for my clients in which removing these energies is also fixing a lot of stuff along the way, including health and relationships!  I accidentally discovered the connection and found that doing this series of clearings for my clients rewires the brain and eliminates pain! My proprietary method is an intensive spiritual reconstruction that will open you to your true self and speed healing!

If you have had your heartwall released and need additional support for further trapped emotions not residing in a heartwall, we can continue on to release as needed for support.  This may include releasing blocks to weight loss and health or pain management, focus and clarity, and abundance blocks.  


Emotional Release + One on One Mentoring + Downloadable Lectures
Choose from two options: 8-week and 14-week

***Payment plans available, Schedule a complimentary assessment call and we’ll talk about what your needs are and what is right for you. 

Life is just hard. It’s easy to get overwhelmed, frustrated, resentful and confused. You may be the type that feels that you already have resources, and God, and that’s all you need. But if that’s all you need…why are you still there? I believe that God’s help is often sending us people our way who have been there, and know-how to get you out of the pit you are in. Someone has to drive your lifeboat, or throw you the life preserver, and pull you in! He gives us agency to choose that help or go through it all alone. But why struggle alone, when you can succeed with help? Believe me, I know how hard it CAN be. But I also know how good it CAN be. I have felt all of the following and learned how to get out, with the help of angel guides and angel mentors! Now it’s my turn to pay it forward. I offer double the coaching…Emotional Release Therapy AND mentoring.

8 WEEK Connection in Balance: $690 (Available to work on clearing now. Pre-purchased downloads available November 18)

Get all the basic techniques for finding peace and connection. I can help you get on a path to better spiritual fulfillment, mental and emotional control, Physical health, Family and social relationships, societal impact, and financial health. The goal for this program is to help you find balance, learn some deeper laws of attraction, and work with me for some personal one on one in-depth mentoring to help you uncover what is showing up and is keeping you stuck.  Beyond taking you out of trauma and into joy, we will also balance each of your areas of life to be open to affluence. Attracting Abundance and affluence in your relationships, health and finances is SO MUCH MORE than having enough money and releasing emotional blocks!  You have to learn how to change your mindset to get there!

We will utilize the highest virtues and vibrations including the power of gratitude and intention to move you into your new reality.  It is all about finding your balance in every aspect of life as well as your limiting beliefs. This is going to take some work and clarity.  In the words of our dear departed Louise Hay “Honey, If you want to clean the house, You have to see the dirt. 

(Maintenance sessions available: Ongoing payments following at $ 85 per session OR upgrade to 14-week Intensive Affluence anytime to take advantage of further growth)

14 WEEK Connection to Affluence: $1150 (Available to Clear and release now. Prepurchased downloads available December 16)

BEST VALUE!!! Are you sick of things being where they are?  Are you seriously motivated to finally change it all now?  Ready to Stop Pushing a river? This 3-month package will encompass all my other packages all in one!!  We will remove your heartwall and Emotional blocks + Target your life’s purpose and reach your goals, heal your relationships, Total improvement of life!  Healing in the 6 pillars of Health, Body, mind, family, society, finances and spirit to uncover imbalances and find trapped emotions, heartwalls, disconnections.  This will open you to heal relationships and abundance blocks to enjoy affluence.

In this intensive program, my downloadable courses teach you how to clear the clutter to be who you always wanted to find more meaning in life! BE prepared for massive spiritual growth as well as releasing old beliefs about yourself and your ability to control the circumstances that have been holding you back!  We will utilize the concept of neuroplasticity to switch on your self-confidence and happiness in your current state, in order to propel you forward to a higher state.  The length of time makes this program the best resource for creating new thought patterns reconditioning and changing behaviors that have been attracting fear, lack, and scarcity.  

In our weekly private sessions, we will find your money blueprint and clear old passed down traditions surrounding lack and deficit.  I utilize coursework inspired by personal experience as well as years of study involving several resources and actions to rocket drive you into the manifestation of your highest potential!  I even have some incredible life-changing solutions to find a way to turn your debt into a resource, and eliminate the time it takes to pay off a 30-year mortgage in 10 years or less!

Together we will create a customized plan to improve specific situations and complete goals.  This will clear your path to manifest what you want in life! My one on one guidance will advance you toward making each step work for you as your accountability partner.  We will troubleshoot, and totally re-condition your brain into new neuropathways geared to success and enlightenment.

(Maintenance sessions available, ongoing payments following at $ 80 per session)

**Disclaimer: Understand that this is a commitment that means daily and weekly homework assignments on your part including physical, verbal, and relationship effort on your part and it is seriously imperative that you are committed to change. This will work only if you are all in, and not halfway in! Results are based on effort and commitment and no way typical of another’s efforts. Your set-point is your own, and your achievement is your own. I help you uncover your potential, you have to move it!!

Sessions are done by Phone or Zoom

Please separate scheduled sessions within at least a week of time for optimal emotional processing recovery.