What is the emotion code about?

Have you ever felt that everything in your life keeps recurring with the same situations and problems?  Do you keep attracting the same kinds of relationship struggles or money problems in your life? Do you have habits or addictions that won’t go away no matter how hard you try?  Do you have great ideas for improving your life but for some reason feel that there is a wall between you and your success?

Have you ever felt anxious or fearful enough to feel a physical response in your chest?  Have you ever felt so sad that you didn’t think you could ever recover or that your heart might actually break?  Have you ever been frustrated enough about a situation that it changed your life and now you react differently than you did before?  Do you have “trust issues” with certain people or situations and refuse to budge on letting things go? Have you felt like a bad event was gone from your memory and then some trigger brought it back?  Or have you felt annoyed enough you couldn’t stop thinking about it, even if it shouldn’t be a big deal?

Did you know that your old stuck emotions could be the thing standing in the way between you and healing?  How is this possible?

What do these thoughts and feelings do to your body?  You get a real physical sensation, and it is apparent that they affect you physically in the moment.  What happens when we experience something really hard, or we just aren’t in a state of mind that we can handle it well?  We end up trapping them inside of us! And they remain stuck as long as we don’t release them and process them. And in time, they fester like an inner infection in our spirit and even body.  Eventually causing illness, pain, and an energetic wall between who we seem to be and who we really are meant to be.

Have you heard all the new scientific evidence suggesting that stress causes disease, and make it harder to heal?  Have you heard how important it is to stay calm to not upset a chronic problem with high blood pressure or an ulcer?  How certain emotions and stressors cause cortisol, adrenalin and other hormones to react? How many articles have you read that shows that trauma seems to be the initiating factor in the sudden onset of mental illness?  How exercise and positive thoughts can send a flood of serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine through the brain and ignite healing? How oxytocin, the hormone emitted when you receive a hug, feel loved, or enjoy physical intimacy can actually heal and improve mental states and relax physical symptoms?

New Age or Ancient wisdom?

For millennia, eastern cultures have been practicing healing arts that tap into the subconscious and create a bridge between the body and spirit.  They understand the connection between all forms of life and the earth. They respect the eternal nature of the soul and its continued round of evolvement throughout eternity.  And they recognize the body’s ability to heal through natural methods and mental intention. Many of these cultures have integrated modalities into their medicine and religious practices.  In our Western culture, we have mostly negated these modalities as “fairy dust”, voodoo, the hippie movement, and poked and made fun of these because we can’t “see” what they are talking about.  Until now.

In the last few decades, researchers have finally begun to take notice as so many testimonials from individuals obtaining relief through these seemingly obscure remedies and many of these modalities are not only being studied but even implemented in some clinics or referred to by physicians.  More and more we are realizing that the whole mind/spirit/body connection has merit and potential to improve the body’s ability to respond to traditional “western medicine” or even heal without it. Kirlian photography shows what appears to be the spirit form of plants that have had leaves removed, fully intact, and aura’s shining from living things.  Thermal imaging shows internal inflammation and scans have shown outstanding miraculous recovery after various energy healing devices or practices are used. For years we have been using tens units, far infrared light waves, acupuncture pins, and reflexology sites, magnetic resonance machines for imagery and scans, and now devices for increased speed of healing and pain relief and other light therapies (i.e. light rays that heal jaundiced babies, and depression).  We have come a long way from the European traditions that have kept us in the box, thinking that physical bodies are only capable of reacting to other tangible modalities.

It is also no longer a question that emotions can cause physical reactions in the body.  But did you know that you can pinpoint exactly which emotions caused certain issues and when?  And that we can now release trapped emotions that you have held onto for years? Did you know that a lot of these trapped emotions are the reason your life keeps you in a rut and why you keep attracting the same recurring themes?  They can be the root cause of all your relationship problems, career struggles, addiction, finding fulfillment and even finishing what you start?

Did you know that we can erase these emotions from your current programming?  Dr. Bradley Nelson created the emotion code as a way to erase the negative programming and help his patients find greater relief.  As a chiropractor, he kept finding patients who were at their last hope for relief who had been told by the medical community that there was nothing more that could be done.  In his efforts to help them resolve their issues, he prayed for answers and began to be inspired to ask their subconscious what emotions were involved in causing their pain and chronic illnesses.  And through his process of praying and getting answers, he developed the Emotion Code, and eventually, an even greater multifaceted modality called the Body Code.

How Does This Work?

“Energy healing?”, you might be asking?  Is she seriously for real? Ok, guys… We have gone beyond the stigma of New Age fru-fru or voodoo.  This stuff has reached medical journals with various studies and it’s no longer as “weird” as it used to be.  Even doctors are now using magnetic therapy in the treatment of depression, scoliosis, and neuropathy. Massage spas specializing in reflexology are a huge trend.  Acupuncture clinics are now part of normal offered procedures in many locations including chiropractic clinics, and there are even some offices across America that offer Reiki and chakra balancing in addition to traditional western medicine.  And grounding is a new discovery that is reaching headline! Devices are popping everywhere with new studies actually supporting evidence that they work!

We are made up of bones and tissues, organs and muscles, But deep down to the quantum level, Our cells are made up of protons, neutrons, electrons, All spinning around in some amazingly organized blueprint held together by energy.  On top of this physical matter, we are beings of energy spinning in orbit around a nucleus, and space, reacting to intentional thought and occasional collision with other forces. Science has shown how everything is connected to our brain and body, how our thoughts and impulses not only create neurotransmitters to fire and respond, but our ability to perform and increase in capability is also affected by our intention and the ability to visualize and engage the motion.   

Dr. Bradley Nelson, The creator of the Emotion Code and the Body Code, Explains how our body is so intelligent, it can take a ham sandwich and turn it into building material to recreate cells.  Our body uses the fuel it needs and casts out the material it doesn’t need in waste form. I discovered that if our bodies are weak it will stockpile that food energy and pack on the extra weight or not utilize the resources to heal.  When we eat or drink or take in things that have a lower vibration, imbalance of nutrients, or unhealthy ph level, our body tries to overcompensate and protect us, and clean it out, and over time, our waste removal system can become compromised and overworked.  And eventually, it breaks down and disease moves in.

Just as Nutrition affects us for good or bad, emotions do the same thing.  When strong emotions are felt during a time when we are weak, we have a hard time processing them and eliminating these.  Our body tends to hold on to these emotions and trap them inside us, creating a ball of energy. These forms of energy build and store themselves in our organs and tissues.  

You’ve heard of it, how stress creates health issues, how anxiety can give you an ulcer, how anger can make your blood pressure rise.  Well, It really is true. And once we find out which emotions are affecting your emotions and body, we can eliminate them which often result in immediate or quick relief.  This state of healing opens us up to better vibrations which increases our ability to heal faster.

I can tap into your subconscious by asking it to reveal itself through the truth that is projected energetically.  And just like a lie detector test, your brain can actually reveal the wavelengths it sends out when you tell a lie, the body itself also responds to truth and lies as well as things that are good for it or bad for it by becoming stronger and weaker.  The change of strength that is physically testable we call Muscle testing, biofeedback or applied Kinesiology.

So through connecting to you, asking for inspiration from the higher power who is God,  and using muscle testing, I can ask your subconscious questions about which trapped emotions are causing you emotional and physical distress, and then remove them by proxy on your behalf by running a magnet down the governing meridian with the intention to erase the trapped emotion which removes it from you.  This removes the block from your spiritual connection to your full potential. And you are free to attract higher vibrations which often align you with other people and situations that are in harmony with your life’s purpose and improved circumstances.