How Can I help you?

Do you suffer from any of the following?

  • Emotional distress
  • High-stress response
  • Discomfort or pain
  • Recurring thoughts of painful memories
  • Panic attacks
  • Feelings of being detached, not all there…missing something
  • Fears
  • Chronic health conditions resulting from stress and trapped emotions
  • Unexplained health issues
  • Weight and body image problems
  • Poor relationships with people, self, food, or finances
  • Habits you can’t break
  • Anger issues
  • Financial problems
  • Codependency

How do emotions affect the body and mind?

We’ve been told by the medical field over the last few decades that a lot of our health issues are caused by stress. So the idea that trapped emotions cause health problems shouldn’t come as a big shock. What causes stress? We often experience highly emotional circumstances and weren’t feeling up to coping well. We may have not had healthy outlets or good support systems to help us pull through.

More often than not, Emotional imbalances are triggering a lot of these issues in our physical health. Our body uses pain and poor health to communicate when we are out of balance and need to address concerns. It speaks to us in the only way it knows how. When emotional resonance is released from our mind and energy field, the natural byproduct often tends to be the elimination of the pain or ailment associated with those emotions.

Heather is a lovely person, very honest and sincere; I really enjoyed my session with her. My energy shifted and my pendulum wasn’t working so well. Heather helped me get my energy balanced so that I could use my pendulum again. So happy, I can continue practicing the Emotion Code again. Thanks, Heather.


***Disclaimer: I am in no way diagnosing, treating, curing, disease or conditions. Any physical ailments and medical conditions should always be overseen by a medical professional. The body’s ability to heal is it’s own. I provide emotional release support to help relieve stressors that may have been affecting the body enabling the body to do what it is capable of doing at its peak and optimal level of health in its current state. Always work with your health professional, and use this as a means of additional support for all medical conditions.

Are you feeling something like any of these?

  • If you feel like an overworked mom who is just trying to balance daily life! It can get so overwhelming and crazy overloaded and you often feel taken for granted and pulled in too many directions! You might find yourself craving what you shouldn’t have, and either go until you burn out, or you lost your motivation to get started. You feel unsupported in at least some areas, and just want to be you and be there for them!
  • If you are feeling isolated and single, unsure of your path and finding connection, you can feel lost and forlorn in a crowd of people who don’t realize how good they have it and often feel taken advantage of because you are the one without the immediate ties. You might be trying to satisfy loneliness with cravings, and engage in either risky behavior or social isolation. You have a hard time trusting people and seeing the good in a world with so much bad and heartache.
  • If you have suffered from any level of mistreatment, struggle and lack of control, it’s pretty common to keep seeing that experience repeating itself, over and over, and to feel like you just can’t get ahead. You may even have developed pain, or disease that is constant, recurring, or debilitating. You probably find it easy to get lost in giving too much to people, possibly media or addictions to get through. You may also see repeated patterns of dysfunction recurring over and over on your life. You might even see generational patterns that are still ongoing in your reactions.
  • If you feel like you just can’t find your value, or express yourself, or connect to God and your creative intuition, you are probably feeling empty, sometimes cynical, doubtful of your contribution, and overall trust of the world. Maybe you want to be part of something bigger than you, but you aren’t feeling a pull to anything meaningful, and if you are part of something that should be fulfilling, you just feel disconnected.    

    If any of these scenarios fit you and your life then this is for you! 

What causes trapped emotions?

  • Most of us have gone through some pretty awful hurt inflicted on us by someone we should have been able to love and trust.
  • Did you know that it also shows up in young infants and children who have merely “observed” abuse and hostile environments?
  • You may have witnessed others going through abuse or emotional stress which left an echo on you.
  • You might have had to deal with a bully.
  • Maybe a friend or family member shamed or humiliated you.
  • Maybe you went through a natural disaster
  • Or even a personal financial crash.
  • You may have even gone through an event where something out of your control terrified you.
  • A car accident or
  • Unexpected loss can also take its toll on you.
  • I’ve even seen people struggling with trapped emotions after a horror film or silly shocking circumstance that they keep reliving.
  • Some trapped emotions are severe enough to lead to mental health challenges.

Any time you have felt scared, vulnerable, anxious, violated, overwhelmed or unsupported, didn’t have help or a clear way out, and others may have taken your experience lightly, you were just too tired to find an outlet, or you just couldn’t get over it, you may have not been able to process that emotion(s) properly and they become locked and stored in your subconscious. I’m here to give you the key to releasing them.

Unhealthy coping methods

Most of us create some kind of defense mechanism, whether it is to dissociate, rebel, seek out some kind of self-inflicted dopamine rush to drown out the memories and emotions…whether it be from substances, thrill-seeking, shopping, video games, movies and media, partying, or other more harmful criminal activity. It might even seem harmless and insignificant, like shopping, binge-watching, social media surfing or comfort food, or a little overindulgence. Some people who suffer from horrific events may easily become co-dependent, easily addicted to needing people: whether to control others or be controlled by unnaturally connecting to others without healthy limits and boundaries.

Any addiction is usually a reaction to the need to fill a void, or cover a pain. Some people can even become addicted to certain emotions such as anger and sadness, or sympathy seeking. Some people, in an effort to appear confident and strong, stuff it inside and ignore it, trying to focus on a positive life, but may feel hollow, empty, and unfulfilled. Still, others, bottle it up until the residue of these emotions fester and manifest into physical pain and disease. Basically, anyone going through the effects of unresolved emotional resonance is living stuck in the cycle of the grief process.

Trapped emotions affect your vibration!

You can’t escape the law of attraction!! If you are feeling and thinking about difficult circumstances all of the time, you will keep getting more of the same thing. When these become the norm, we may even become conditioned to expect it. Thus, the law of attraction ends up being manipulated by our very life events and our “vibe” keeps giving us more. This is why Murphy’s laws just keep showing up for some people, while others seem to have all the luck.

As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he. As long as you keep feeling the same feelings and thinking the same thoughts, You will keep getting the same results and being who you have been conditioned to be. It takes a whole new mindset to work on changing your beliefs, your thoughts, and your feelings. but releasing trapped emotions is a nearly instantaneous way to let go and allow your subconscious to change so your conscious mind can change. Hypnotherapy is another method I can help you use to change your thoughts, which will transform your life.

Generational emotional resonance

Have you ever wondered why you are like your parents in some way? I mean…besides genetics and watching them while you were growing up? You know the old debate over nature VS nurture, which is the greater influencer? My own experience of being taken from my dad at 2 and meeting him after 18 when I finally came to understand my traits and tendencies, talents and even tastes!! We like the same foods, have the same awkward jokes and idioms, similar language patterns and writing styles, music tastes and use the same kind of words. But how are these passed down? I didn’t grow up observing these.

Dr. Nelson discovered that many of our emotions can be passed down through DNA from generation to generation. You’ve heard of family traits, chains, cycles…They actually have an energetic origin! We can inherit trapped emotions and they can affect us in our mannerisms, reactions, emotional sensations, and attraction of life circumstances. These can be cleared …not only from us, but the energy can also be eliminated from the past generations, freeing our ancestors of the residue that they can no longer process without a body to communicate and process. It prevents the cycle from being passed down to future generations as well.

How I can help you!!

There is a method to help you easily eliminate theses trapped emotions causing unhealthy stress levels. As an emotion code practitioner, I can help you process emotional resonance that may be causing your physical challenges and assist your body in its own natural healing process. As a life coach, I can also help you realize your potential, improve your connections and relationships, prioritize your goals AND increase your deliberate manifestation of what you want to achieve through the principles of the law of attraction.

Using muscle testing, intuitive guidance and a clear list of emotional resonances, I can ask your subconscious what emotions are being held stuck in your body and allow them to finally be processed and released, freeing you from the need to continue self-destructive behavior.

I can ask the subconscious mind to reveal what limiting or false beliefs you have been conditioned to think about your potential, your self-confidence, your ability to control your circumstances. Your subconscious mind reveals it’s awareness in the form of strength or weakness n the body that we call “muscle testing”, energy testing, or biofeedback. Once we understand what emotional resonance or energy that caused the issues we can release it. We can work together to change your mindset and recondition your unhealthy reactions to new healthy responses through EFT, NLP, meditation. I can help you learn the laws of success and fully incorporate the law of attraction.

We may have never known what has been causing many of our physical ailments if it weren’t for this method of questioning.  With my system, we can ask your subconscious to find out and help your body and mind heal!

Anything can cause anything!

Dr. Bradley Nelson

Release trapped emotions, generational patterns, negative beliefs AND be empowered!!

In addition to releasing trapped emotions from your energy field, I can help you recondition your mindset and behaviors and help you manifest more of what you want and less of what you don’t.

  • Making peace with your past
  • Finding gratitude for all the little things so the big things show up
  • Forgiving and letting go
  • Eliminating old patterns and addictions
  • Establishing new healthy habits
  • Help you see what really needs to be worked on in your life on a deeper level
  • Finding balance in all aspects of life
  • Confidence in your ability to handle stress!
  • Ability to express your love language and gain love in return!
  • Changing your mindset to start resonating at a different more positive vibration
  • Creating a plan for reaching your dream goal!
  • Utilizing the Law of Attraction deliberately to manifest your higher self!
  • Helping you see and feel your divine nature and find greater faith and connection to your source, intuition, higher power, God.

Change is possible!  Life is meant to be full of Joy!  You can overcome the trials of this life and find healing to be who you were meant to be!  



What would life be like without blocks and limitations?

I am always improving my method and learning new modalities to continue to help you!  More to come!